We held lots of fundraising events in 2018 to raise funds to purchase our outdoor classroom.
We held our Easter disco in February and had an Easter chocolate raffle for the children after school at the end of term which together raised just over £550. We then had the Tour de Yorkshire event turned out to be a bigger concern than we had anticipated with Look North in attendance this event raised just short of £400. Plus events held out of school such as a car boot, race nights and quiz nights bringing in an amazing £2227.79. Then our amazing Smile for a Mile where the children where given sponsor forms and we opened a Just Giving page, the children were required to have fun while walking the mile, this event topped just under £4000! We now have our little hobbit house in place. A fun outdoor class room for our children, we have fully furnished the room with cushions, lights and throws to make it a space the children want to learn in and feel warm and comfortable.
we also converted it into santas grotto at the Christmas disco, it was just magical.
A very warm welcome to The Friends of School webpage -
Who are we?
The Friends of School (FOS) are a group of volunteer parent, guardian, grandparent helpers who work together to raise money for Cherry Burton Primary School.
What do we do?
We organise fundraising events each term eg; Bags 2 School, Car Boot Sales, Easter Eggstravaganza, Christmas Family Fun Night, Secret Christmas Shop, Summer Fun Evening & Refreshments at sports day and school events.
Why do we do it?
We believe that our children are at school for a relatively short period of time. FOS events such as Christmas Fun Evenings, Easter Eggstravaganzas, Summer Fun Evenings, Secret Christmas shops, tea towel making etc are great fun for the children. We think these events will be remembered fondly by our children for life. Further, the funds we raise allow us to purchase items for the school, these enrich our childrens experience at school and make learning even more engaging.
What have we spent our money on?
Why get involved?
The FOS committee depends on a continuous cycle of parent/carer involvement. As children leave their final year, so do their parents. Taking an active role in FOS is fun, you get to have your say and share your ideas. It is a great way to meet other people and feel more involved with the school.
How do you become involved?
Email us at cherryburtonfos@hotmail.co.uk or text/ring Vicky Colclough on 07905899402 It would be great to have you on board.
Meet the Team;
Chair Person - Vicky Colclough
Vice Chair - Kevin Costello
Treasurer - Heather Duerden
Secretary - Zoe Moon
Vice Secretary - Julie Jowsey
Vanessa Foster
Becky Waring
Esmie Elliott
Christine Hall
Andy Robinson
Caroline Byass